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The Consequences of Parole Violations in Pennsylvania

  After being released from prison, an individual goes through a reintegration period called parole. During that time, parolees have certain conditions they must meet before being deemed ready to fully re-enter society. In a sense, the parole period acts as a test, and only by meeting all of the requirements can a person pass…. Read More »

Could a Misdemeanor Conviction Impact a Green Card Renewal?

  If you are a U.S. immigrant living in New Jersey or Pennsylvania and are convicted of a crime, it could affect your immigration status. This is especially true if your green card is up for renewal sometime soon, as the presence of a criminal offense on your record could be reason enough for your… Read More »

What Does the Department of Homeland Security Do on a Daily Basis?

  The U.S. Department of Homeland Security was founded just over a decade ago as a means of making the United States more secure domestically. The DHS works with various state, local and tribal governments, first responders, community groups and other entities to counter any domestic threats the country faces and to respond to and… Read More »

DUI and Alcohol-Related Crash Statistics in Pennsylvania

  Although the frequency of alcohol-related driving offenses and crashes has declined somewhat in recent years, drunk driving remains one of the more common legal issues in Pennsylvania. The following are some statistics related to DUI in the state from 2013, the most recent year for which there is complete data: Crashes involving the use… Read More »

What to Do When You Face Federal Embezzlement Charges

  Embezzlement is most commonly defined as the conversion of corporate or public funds to use for personal purposes. The individual accused of embezzlement is likely to have been someone who was entrusted with those funds or assets. In situations in which you’re accused of embezzling money either directly from the federal government or a… Read More »

The Elements of a Pennsylvania Robbery Case

  Robbery is a specific type of theft. Whereas theft generally involves the taking of another person’s personal property without his or her permission, robbery adds the threat or actual use of force. Because of this, penalties for a conviction on robbery charges are almost always more severe than those for simple theft or larceny…. Read More »

An Overview of Common Types of Federal Theft Offenses

  Theft is a crime that involves the unlawful taking of another person’s possessions. In some cases, however, it could be considered a federal crime, in which case the potential penalties upon a conviction could be quite severe. The following are some of the most common types of federal theft crimes and the circumstances that… Read More »

Defense Strategies in Pennsylvania DUI Cases

  Like with any other type of crime, it is the responsibility of the prosecution in a drunk driving case to prove, beyond a reasonable doubt, that the defendant is guilty. Contrary to common belief, not all charges of driving under the influence (DUI) are slam-dunks for the prosecution. There some strategies and options available… Read More »

Misdemeanors in Pennsylvania vs. Disorderly Person Offenses in New Jersey

Misdemeanors are the lowest level crimes in Pennsylvania, but they still carry with them significant consequences. If you get convicted of a misdemeanor, you will have a criminal record that will be discovered whenever a background check is performed. If you are charged with a misdemeanor, you still need an experienced criminal defense attorney on… Read More »

What are the Penalties for Sex Trafficking?

  Human trafficking, which is the transportation of coerced people across or within international borders, is akin to modern day slavery. Sex trafficking is the recruitment and holding of people against their will for the purposes of prostitution. They are forced to perform sex work without pay. A sex trafficking crime involves the recruitment, harboring,… Read More »