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Category Archives: Sex Crimes

An Overview of Federal Human Trafficking Laws

Human trafficking is a crime that involves compelling or coercing a person to provide labor or services, including commercial sex acts. Traffickers often prey upon vulnerable individuals, including children, disadvantaged communities and people with limited economic opportunities. Federal law prohibits a wide range of conduct related to trafficking and those found guilty can face severe… Read More »

Bill Would Subject Sex Traffickers to Megan’s Law, Regardless of Victims’ Ages

  The Pennsylvania General Assembly is considering a bill that would make conviction of adult sex trafficking a ground for placement on the Megan’s Law Registry, which is currently limited to sex offenses against minors. Senate Bill 118, if it passes, would expand the law to require registration no matter the age of the victims…. Read More »

Sex Predator Sting Operations Result in Heavy Sentences

  A 56-year-old Philadelphia man was recently sentenced to 50 to 100 years in prison for crimes related to his attempted sexual encounter with someone he thought was a 14-year-old girl. Marvin Jennings was arrested in 2019 along with 10 other men as part of a major sting operation conducted by local, state and federal… Read More »

Defending Against Charges of Possessing or Distributing Child Pornography

  Child pornography encompasses a range of criminal conduct under Pennsylvania and federal law. Prosecutions are typically the product of long, wide-ranging investigations that can result in multiple charges. Defending yourself against child pornography allegations demands having an attorney who is knowledgeable in state and federal law and is experienced practicing in courts at both… Read More »

An Overview of Pennsylvania Sexual Assault Laws

  In Pennsylvania, state law protects all people equally when it comes to sexual assault and rape, regardless of the relationship between the alleged offender and the victim. For example, there are no exceptions for a rape that occurs within a marriage. Sexual assault occurs when a person forces someone else to engage in sexual… Read More »

Youth Pastor’s Affair with Teen Results in More Than 160 Charges

  A 35-year-old youth pastor in New Paris, PA, whose seven-month-long affair with a 15-year-old student resulted in her becoming pregnant, now faces more than 160 charges of sexual assault. Wesley Blackburn, a married father of five and youth pastor at the Faith Brethren Bible Church, reportedly confessed the relationship to his wife and asked… Read More »

What are the Penalties for Child Pornography?

  Child pornography is defined as knowingly possessing, producing or distributing pornographic images of children. Anyone under age 18 is a child as defined by federal law. Child pornography is against both state and federal law and carries steep penalties along with irreparable damage to a person’s reputation, as these cases bring a tremendous amount… Read More »

What are the Penalties for Sex Trafficking?

  Human trafficking, which is the transportation of coerced people across or within international borders, is akin to modern day slavery. Sex trafficking is the recruitment and holding of people against their will for the purposes of prostitution. They are forced to perform sex work without pay. A sex trafficking crime involves the recruitment, harboring,… Read More »

Teens Engaged in ‘Sexting’ Face Serious Consequences

It’s no secret that teenagers are on their smartphones practically nonstop.  In recent years, the practice of exchanging racy images via text message — an activity known as “sexting” — has gained popularity, particularly among the teen demographic. Although this activity raises a number of social concerns, teens also unwittingly face serious legal consequences for… Read More »

Pennsylvania Considers Compensation for Prisoners Exonerated in Sex and Violent Crimes Cases

In August 2005, Thomas Doswell was released from prison after serving nearly 20 years for the rape of a 48-year-old woman at a Pittsburgh hospital. A DNA test on semen taken from the victim exonerated him after two decades behind bars. He was denied bail four times because he would not take responsibility for the… Read More »