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Category Archives: Misdemeanor

Could a Misdemeanor Conviction Impact a Green Card Renewal?

  If you are a U.S. immigrant living in New Jersey or Pennsylvania and are convicted of a crime, it could affect your immigration status. This is especially true if your green card is up for renewal sometime soon, as the presence of a criminal offense on your record could be reason enough for your… Read More »

Misdemeanors in Pennsylvania vs. Disorderly Person Offenses in New Jersey

Misdemeanors are the lowest level crimes in Pennsylvania, but they still carry with them significant consequences. If you get convicted of a misdemeanor, you will have a criminal record that will be discovered whenever a background check is performed. If you are charged with a misdemeanor, you still need an experienced criminal defense attorney on… Read More »

Dozens Arrested For Fake IDs With Use of Technology

Sixty-nine New Jersey drivers were arrested in February 2014 for using false driver’s licenses. The arrests were made in large part due to police officers’ use of new facial recognition technology. This technology was able to distinguish the drivers from the photos on their driver’s licenses, identify key differences and weed out the fakes from… Read More »

Plea Bargaining in Federal Court

  Plea bargaining, or the practice of pleading guilty to a lesser charge than that originally lodged, is widely used in the criminal justice system to move cases along and lessen overcrowding in jails. It benefits defendants by reducing the charges and the consequences and enables them to quickly put criminal incidents behind them. But… Read More »

How to Respond to a Misdemeanor Charge

If you are convicted of a misdemeanor crime, you will have to answer “yes” on applications that ask whether you have been convicted of a criminal offense. Do not plead guilty to a misdemeanor crime without consulting a Philadelphia misdemeanors attorney. Depending on the facts of your case, your charge may be reduced or dismissed…. Read More »

Pennsylvania’s Criminal Statutes Relating to Theft

  The term “theft” includes a broad range of offenses such as: Burglary Robbery Larceny Shoplifting Petty theft Auto theft Embezzlement Theft by deception Identity theft Fraud Looting Deliberately accepting stolen property Penalties for these offenses are serious, and scaled according to the circumstances. If convicted, you could face fines, a prison term, loss of… Read More »

Criminal Consequences for Leaving the Scene of an Accident

  The law is clear. Failure to stop after an accident is a criminal offense with serious criminal consequences. You have a duty to stop the moment you get into a car accident and render reasonable assistance to the passengers and driver of the other vehicle. You are also obligated to contact the police and/or… Read More »