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DUI and Alcohol-Related Crash Statistics in Pennsylvania

  Although the frequency of alcohol-related driving offenses and crashes has declined somewhat in recent years, drunk driving remains one of the more common legal issues in Pennsylvania. The following are some statistics related to DUI in the state from 2013, the most recent year for which there is complete data: Crashes involving the use… Read More »

Common Tactics Pennsylvania Officers Use to Pull Over DUI Suspects

  Whenever law enforcement officers make traffic stops in Pennsylvania, they must have a justifiable reason to do so. Therefore, officers tend to keep a close eye out for other traffic violations in order to legally pull over a person they think might be driving under the influence (DUI). The following are a few of… Read More »

Defense Strategies in Pennsylvania DUI Cases

  Like with any other type of crime, it is the responsibility of the prosecution in a drunk driving case to prove, beyond a reasonable doubt, that the defendant is guilty. Contrary to common belief, not all charges of driving under the influence (DUI) are slam-dunks for the prosecution. There some strategies and options available… Read More »