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DUI and Alcohol-Related Crash Statistics in Pennsylvania


Although the frequency of alcohol-related driving offenses and crashes has declined somewhat in recent years, drunk driving remains one of the more common legal issues in Pennsylvania. The following are some statistics related to DUI in the state from 2013, the most recent year for which there is complete data:

  • Crashes involving the use of alcohol totaled 11,041, with 381 deaths resulting from these accidents. This was down from the 2012 totals of 11,956 and 404, respectively.
  • Alcohol-related deaths accounted for approximately 32 percent of all traffic fatalities, which was relatively consistent with the previous three years. This statistic is true despite alcohol only being involved in about 9 percent of all traffic accidents.
  • About 91 percent of passengers who died in alcohol-related crashes were in the vehicle the alleged drunk driver was operating, with 77 percent of them being the driver.
  • Approximately 30 alcohol-related traffic accidents occurred per day throughout Pennsylvania.
  • About one person was killed and 22 people were injured in alcohol-related traffic crashes each day throughout Pennsylvania.
  • Alcohol-related accidents were approximately 4.9 times more likely to result in death than any other type of traffic crash.
  • The good news: alcohol-related fatalities were at their lowest level in five years, and the trend continues to point downward. Total crashes, fatal crashes, injuries and deaths have all decreased every year in Pennsylvania since 2009.

In analyzing these statistics, it’s not difficult to see why there is such a focus on combating DUI in Pennsylvania. However, just because you are charged with drunk driving does not mean you will automatically be convicted. There are numerous defense tactics available that can protect your constitutional rights.

To learn more, consult an experienced Pennsylvania DUI defense lawyer at the Law Offices of David Jay Glassman. Call us today at 215-563-7100 or contact us online to get started.