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Author Archives: David Glassman

Defenses to Pa. Charges of Drug Delivery Resulting in Death

The crime of “drug delivery resulting in death” (DDRD) is a type of homicide in Pennsylvania. It reflects the state’s stringent stance against the opioid crisis and drug-related fatalities. The crime consists of intentionally or knowingly delivering, distributing or dispensing a controlled substance or counterfeit controlled substance, which directly results in another person’s death. This… Read More »

Defending Against Parole Violation Charges in Pennsylvania

For individuals released on parole in Pennsylvania, freedom comes with a set of conditions. Violating these conditions can have serious consequences. In the worst case, the individual can be returned to prison to finish serving their original sentence.  It’s important to understand what constitutes a parole violation and what are the potential outcomes.  There are… Read More »

An Overview of Federal Human Trafficking Laws

Human trafficking is a crime that involves compelling or coercing a person to provide labor or services, including commercial sex acts. Traffickers often prey upon vulnerable individuals, including children, disadvantaged communities and people with limited economic opportunities. Federal law prohibits a wide range of conduct related to trafficking and those found guilty can face severe… Read More »

Pa. Three Strikes Law Imposes Harsh Sentences on Repeat Violent Offenders

The Three Strikes Law is a significant feature of Pennsylvania’s criminal justice system. It mandates severe prison terms for repeat offenders convicted of specific violent crimes. This law aims to deter recidivism and promote public safety by providing for long periods of incarceration of individuals demonstrating a pattern of violent behavior. However, there are defensive… Read More »

Understanding Forfeiture of Property in Federal Criminal Cases

Forfeiture — also known as seizure of assets — is a powerful tool employed by federal law enforcement to divest from criminals the financial gains from their wrongdoings. Forfeiture allows the government to permanently seize property demonstrably linked to criminal activity. This serves a dual purpose. By taking away the proceeds of crime, authorities aim… Read More »

What Types of Acts Can Support the Crime of Conspiracy?

Under federal law, a wide range of conduct can be part of a conspiracy, which is broadly defined as an agreement between two or more people to violate the law. Under federal law, conspiracies can be formed for various illegal purposes, such as: General conspiracies to commit any federal crime, such as drug trafficking, financial… Read More »

Legal Strategies for Defense Against Federal Drug Charges

Federal drug crime convictions can have severe and lasting consequences that include long prison sentences, hefty fines and loss of civil privileges. The most commonly prosecuted federal drug crimes are related to the manufacture, distribution, importation and exportation of controlled substances. Attempts and conspiracies to commit those actions are also illegal. Penalties for federal drug… Read More »

Aiding and Abetting Fraud Can Now Lead to Both Criminal and Civil Liability

Fraud is a crime that occurs when one person makes a significant misrepresentation of facts inducing another to take an action that disadvantages or harms them. In Pennsylvania, criminal charges can be brought not only against the person who committed the fraud but also against anyone who assisted them. Until recently, it’s been unclear whether… Read More »

Drug Delivery Resulting in Death Is a Homicide in Pennsylvania

The recent sentencing of a Monroe County man to 20 years in prison shows the wide sweep of a Pennsylvania law making it a homicide to distribute an illegal drug that causes the death of a recipient user. The Drug Delivery Resulting in Death (DDRD) law, enacted in 2008, provides that intentionally delivering, administering, prescribing… Read More »

Pennsylvania Computer Hacking Laws Expose More People to Criminal Prosecution

Computers are a great convenience and even a necessity in modern life, but they have also developed into instruments of crime, used to invade the privacy of or otherwise harass members of the public. This has led to enactment of specialized laws aimed at policing cyber crimes, resulting in more people being prosecuted and convicted…. Read More »