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The Consequences of Parole Violations in Pennsylvania

  After being released from prison, an individual goes through a reintegration period called parole. During that time, parolees have certain conditions they must meet before being deemed ready to fully re-enter society. In a sense, the parole period acts as a test, and only by meeting all of the requirements can a person pass…. Read More »

Common Tactics Pennsylvania Officers Use to Pull Over DUI Suspects

  Whenever law enforcement officers make traffic stops in Pennsylvania, they must have a justifiable reason to do so. Therefore, officers tend to keep a close eye out for other traffic violations in order to legally pull over a person they think might be driving under the influence (DUI). The following are a few of… Read More »

Drug Crimes in New Jersey and Pennsylvania: What is Drug Possession?

Pennsylvania drug possession penalties Under the Pennsylvania drug possession statute, the penalties for marijuana possession include a misdemeanor charge, a $500 fine and 30 days in jail for 30g or less. For 30g or more, the charge is still a misdemeanor, but you could face a year in prison and a $5,000 fine. The penalties… Read More »

When Is a Crime Prosecuted in Federal Court Rather Than State Court?

  Many crimes can be prosecuted under both state and federal law. So what determines which path prosecutors pick for a particular crime? It turns out that multiple factors affect this decision. Geographical jurisdiction: If your case crosses state lines, you may be looking at federal prosecution. Interstate crimes may include white collar crimes, child… Read More »