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Category Archives: Theft

Could You Go to Jail for Shoplifting in Pennsylvania?

  In Pennsylvania, a shoplifting conviction can result in serious penalties, including large fines and jail time. The shoplifter could also potentially face a civil lawsuit from the victim. Pennsylvania state law refers to shoplifting as “retail theft.” This crime occurs when a person takes any piece of merchandise from a retailer without paying the… Read More »

What Is the Difference Between Residential and Commercial Burglary?

  Many people have misconceptions about what constitutes a burglary and how the law views the burglary of a home versus that of an office. Burglary occurs when a person enters a building for the purpose of committing a crime, but there are some exceptions: the building cannot be abandoned, it cannot be open to… Read More »

Will Alleged Chop Shop in Orwigsburg Implicate Innocent Customers?

  Orwigsburg police report they arrested a man believed to be running an automotive chop shop out of a local garage on Thursday, October 13. Although this may be good news for local car owners feeling nervous after a recent rash of thefts, it could prove worrisome for innocent folks who might have unwittingly benefited… Read More »

An Overview of Common Types of Federal Theft Offenses

  Theft is a crime that involves the unlawful taking of another person’s possessions. In some cases, however, it could be considered a federal crime, in which case the potential penalties upon a conviction could be quite severe. The following are some of the most common types of federal theft crimes and the circumstances that… Read More »