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When Is a Crime Prosecuted in Federal Court Rather Than State Court?

  Many crimes can be prosecuted under both state and federal law. So what determines which path prosecutors pick for a particular crime? It turns out that multiple factors affect this decision. Geographical jurisdiction: If your case crosses state lines, you may be looking at federal prosecution. Interstate crimes may include white collar crimes, child… Read More »

Pennsylvania’s Passage of Senate Bill 100 Expands Definition of Crime of Violence, Reducing Possibility of Prerelease or Diversion

Governor Tom Corbett’s passage of a prison reform bill in Pennsylvania on June 5, 2012 was aimed at dealing with the problem of prison overcrowding and the ineffectiveness of incarceration for drug- or alcohol-addicted nonviolent offenders.  However, portions of the reform bill are now being widely criticized for being converse to the law’s stated purpose…. Read More »