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Your Rights Against Illegal Search and Seizure in Pennsylvania

  The U.S. and Pennsylvania constitutions generally prohibit the government from searching you or your property unless they have probable cause. That sounds like a clear-cut rule but federal and state courts have issued numerous decisions over the years that have carved out exceptions and other contingencies that can significantly affect your rights. While the… Read More »

What Does Pennsylvania Law Say About Possession and Distribution of Marijuana?

  There are both state and federal laws regulating the possession, sale and manufacture of marijuana. It is currently a Schedule I drug in Pennsylvania, and thus the law considers it to have a high potential for abuse and no recognized medical value. Below is a general overview of how the law treats certain marijuana-related… Read More »

Drug Crimes in New Jersey and Pennsylvania: What is Drug Possession?

Pennsylvania drug possession penalties Under the Pennsylvania drug possession statute, the penalties for marijuana possession include a misdemeanor charge, a $500 fine and 30 days in jail for 30g or less. For 30g or more, the charge is still a misdemeanor, but you could face a year in prison and a $5,000 fine. The penalties… Read More »