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Montandon, PA Pastor Arrested on Internet Child Pornography Charges

  The pastor of the Montandon Baptist Church was recently arrested and charged with 20 felony counts in connection with child pornography images traded via the internet. Thomas Mile Marker, 58, has been arraigned on nine felony counts of disseminating child pornography, 10 felony counts of possessing child pornography, and one felony count of criminal… Read More »

What are the Penalties for Child Pornography?

  Child pornography is defined as knowingly possessing, producing or distributing pornographic images of children. Anyone under age 18 is a child as defined by federal law. Child pornography is against both state and federal law and carries steep penalties along with irreparable damage to a person’s reputation, as these cases bring a tremendous amount… Read More »

Teens Engaged in ‘Sexting’ Face Serious Consequences

It’s no secret that teenagers are on their smartphones practically nonstop.  In recent years, the practice of exchanging racy images via text message — an activity known as “sexting” — has gained popularity, particularly among the teen demographic. Although this activity raises a number of social concerns, teens also unwittingly face serious legal consequences for… Read More »