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Category Archives: Violent Crimes

Pa. Three Strikes Law Imposes Harsh Sentences on Repeat Violent Offenders

The Three Strikes Law is a significant feature of Pennsylvania’s criminal justice system. It mandates severe prison terms for repeat offenders convicted of specific violent crimes. This law aims to deter recidivism and promote public safety by providing for long periods of incarceration of individuals demonstrating a pattern of violent behavior. However, there are defensive… Read More »

Aggravated Assault Laws in Pennsylvania

  Assault is a crime that, in Pennsylvania, may be classified as either a misdemeanor or a felony. It’s considered a felony, referred to as “aggravated assault,” when it involves inflicting serious bodily injury on another person — or attempting to do so. Assaulting someone with a deadly weapon or assaulting protected public employees or… Read More »

Pennsylvania Considers Compensation for Prisoners Exonerated in Sex and Violent Crimes Cases

In August 2005, Thomas Doswell was released from prison after serving nearly 20 years for the rape of a 48-year-old woman at a Pittsburgh hospital. A DNA test on semen taken from the victim exonerated him after two decades behind bars. He was denied bail four times because he would not take responsibility for the… Read More »

Searching for the Truth in Date Rape Accusations

In March 2006, Crystal Gail Magnum, college student and stripper, accused three Duke University lacrosse players of raping her at a party. The players were ultimately exonerated, but not before the case created a media circus over issues of race, hate crimes, sexism and the power of the privileged. Many presumed the players were guilty,… Read More »