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Category Archives: Criminal Law

What are Considered Essential Businesses Under States’ COVID-19 Rules

  During the coronavirus pandemic, previously bustling locations from malls to urban downtowns have gone eerily quiet. But your local pizza place might still be open, along with restaurants that can survive on takeout and delivery orders and, of course, grocery stores. After all, keeping people fed during an epidemic is critical, and food delivery… Read More »

How Can Someone Be Punished if They Violate a COVID-19 Stay at Home Order?

  Across the country, stay-at-home orders have strained law enforcement and tested how far states and municipalities are willing to go to enforce the orders. These directives have triggered controversy and confusion, as standards sometimes differ from town to town or county to county. In certain instances, people who have violated government edicts designed to… Read More »

What Happens if You Host a Gathering While in Quarantine?

  Along with the serious health risks associated with coronavirus, Americans are burdened by quarantine orders and similar directives that forbid them from seeing their loved ones, even for major events such as holidays and birthdays. It can be tempting to try to break the rules, especially for people who believe that they don’t fall… Read More »

Does a Prosecutor or Criminal Defense Lawyer have an obligation to ask for a STAY of Civil Action pending a resolution of Criminal Charges?

  The answer should be obvious, YES. However, this is far from the reality. In fact the prevailing opinion from DA’s is: “It’s your headache”. Even more frightening is the fact that more than a few Prosecutors and District Attorneys are not even aware of the fact they have both the standing and authority to… Read More »

They didn’t read me my Miranda Warnings…

  I receive a number of calls from potential clients who start their narrative off by making the above statement. From the sound of their voice they are hoping that they won the lottery or found a magic bullet to make everything that happened after they made a statement disappear. Unfortunately, it is rarely that… Read More »

What Does the Department of Homeland Security Do on a Daily Basis?

  The U.S. Department of Homeland Security was founded just over a decade ago as a means of making the United States more secure domestically. The DHS works with various state, local and tribal governments, first responders, community groups and other entities to counter any domestic threats the country faces and to respond to and… Read More »

The Elements of a Pennsylvania Robbery Case

  Robbery is a specific type of theft. Whereas theft generally involves the taking of another person’s personal property without his or her permission, robbery adds the threat or actual use of force. Because of this, penalties for a conviction on robbery charges are almost always more severe than those for simple theft or larceny…. Read More »

Post-Conviction Appeals Due to Prosecutorial Misconduct in Pennsylvania

Prosecutors hold a lot of power in the judicial system, and when they misuse their power in their zeal to get criminals off of the streets, innocent people’s lives can be ruined by their unfair conduct. Prosecutorial misconduct violates court rules or the ethical standards of legal practice that can include: Court room misconduct Hiding… Read More »

Drug Crimes in New Jersey and Pennsylvania: What is Drug Possession?

Pennsylvania drug possession penalties Under the Pennsylvania drug possession statute, the penalties for marijuana possession include a misdemeanor charge, a $500 fine and 30 days in jail for 30g or less. For 30g or more, the charge is still a misdemeanor, but you could face a year in prison and a $5,000 fine. The penalties… Read More »

Dozens Arrested For Fake IDs With Use of Technology

Sixty-nine New Jersey drivers were arrested in February 2014 for using false driver’s licenses. The arrests were made in large part due to police officers’ use of new facial recognition technology. This technology was able to distinguish the drivers from the photos on their driver’s licenses, identify key differences and weed out the fakes from… Read More »