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Category Archives: Juvenile Crimes

Dozens Arrested For Fake IDs With Use of Technology

Sixty-nine New Jersey drivers were arrested in February 2014 for using false driver’s licenses. The arrests were made in large part due to police officers’ use of new facial recognition technology. This technology was able to distinguish the drivers from the photos on their driver’s licenses, identify key differences and weed out the fakes from… Read More »

Getting Your Name Off the Sex Offender Registry

The sex offender registry provides an invaluable public service, but sometimes a name on that list doesn’t belong there. If it’s yours, your life has been changed forever, for the worse. While sex offender registration is not a new concept, public access to sex offender databases is relatively new. In response to public outrage over… Read More »

Pennsylvania Judge Eases Lifetime Registration Requirements for Juvenile Sex Offenders

A York County judge has ruled a Pennsylvania law imposing lifetime registration requirements on juvenile sex offenders unconstitutional. In his controversial ruling, Senior Judge John C. Uhler concluded that the registration provision of Pennsylvania’s Sexual Offender Registration and Notification Act (SORNA) prevents the court from considering the many unique attributes of youth offenders and unfairly… Read More »

Sexting: Prank or Pornography?

  Sexting is the transmitting of sexually explicit messages using cell phone text messages. Typically, the messages contain photograph or video links of the person sending them. Popular among teens, some view these messages as high-tech flirting or pranks played on friends. But the legislatures of many states, including Pennsylvania, see it quite differently. Sexting… Read More »

Expunging Your Child’s Juvenile Criminal Record in Pennsylvania

  A juvenile arrest and conviction can cost your child job opportunities and educational prospects. You need to contact a Philadelphia juvenile criminal defense attorney to have a record of arrest sealed or expunged, after an appropriate period of good behavior has passed since your child has been discharged. Keep in mind that the expungement… Read More »