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Criminal Consequences for Leaving the Scene of an Accident

Criminal Consequences for Leaving the Scene of an Accident


The law is clear. Failure to stop after an accident is a criminal offense with serious criminal consequences. You have a duty to stop the moment you get into a car accident and render reasonable assistance to the passengers and driver of the other vehicle. You are also obligated to contact the police and/or emergency medical personnel to report the incident. If able, you must exchange your name and insurance information with the other driver. If you are being charged with a hit-and-run accident, a Philadelphia DUI attorney may be your last line of defense against the pending criminal charges. You could face:

Offense Prison Sentence Fines Statute
Failure to stop 3rd degree misdemeanor Up to one year $2500 75 Pa. C.S.§3743
Property damage Citation Up to 90 days $300 75 Pa. C.S.§3745
Serious injury 3rd degree felony 90 days mandatory minimum $1000 75 Pa. C.S. §3742
Death 2nd degree felony One year mandatory minimum $2500 75 Pa. C.S. §3742

You may have failed to stop for many reasons. Perhaps you were driving on a suspended license or driving while intoxicated. Maybe you were scared and mentally unprepared for the accident. Perhaps you were unaware that you caused the accident.

Regardless of your reasons for failing to stop, pleading guilty to the crime as charged usually will not serve your interests. The consequences of a conviction last well beyond fines, and a possible prison term can haunt you throughout your lifetime.

Penalties for leaving the scene of an accident include fines and the loss of your freedom when sentenced to a mandatory prison term. In addition, a conviction results in:

  • Higher insurance premiums
  • Loss of educational and employment opportunities
  • Damage to your reputation

You need the help of experienced Philadelphia hit and run defense attorneys to defend yourself.

For more information about drunk driving and hit-and-run accidents, contact an attorney at the Law Offices of David Jay Glassman in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.