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Category Archives: Property Crimes

Pa. Three Strikes Law Imposes Harsh Sentences on Repeat Violent Offenders

The Three Strikes Law is a significant feature of Pennsylvania’s criminal justice system. It mandates severe prison terms for repeat offenders convicted of specific violent crimes. This law aims to deter recidivism and promote public safety by providing for long periods of incarceration of individuals demonstrating a pattern of violent behavior. However, there are defensive… Read More »

Understanding Forfeiture of Property in Federal Criminal Cases

Forfeiture — also known as seizure of assets — is a powerful tool employed by federal law enforcement to divest from criminals the financial gains from their wrongdoings. Forfeiture allows the government to permanently seize property demonstrably linked to criminal activity. This serves a dual purpose. By taking away the proceeds of crime, authorities aim… Read More »

Pennsylvania’s Criminal Statutes Relating to Theft

  The term “theft” includes a broad range of offenses such as: Burglary Robbery Larceny Shoplifting Petty theft Auto theft Embezzlement Theft by deception Identity theft Fraud Looting Deliberately accepting stolen property Penalties for these offenses are serious, and scaled according to the circumstances. If convicted, you could face fines, a prison term, loss of… Read More »