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Expunging Your Child’s Juvenile Criminal Record in Pennsylvania

Expunging Your Child's Juvenile Criminal Record in Pennsylvania


A juvenile arrest and conviction can cost your child job opportunities and educational prospects. You need to contact a Philadelphia juvenile criminal defense attorney to have a record of arrest sealed or expunged, after an appropriate period of good behavior has passed since your child has been discharged.

Keep in mind that the expungement of your child’s juvenile criminal record does not occur automatically after the child completes the sentence or probationary period.  A separate motion filing is required before your child’s record is sealed or expunged. Children are eligible to have their juvenile records expunged under 18 Pa.C.S.A. §9123 if:

  • The complaint was not substantiated and/or the petition was dismissed.
  • The juvenile was released from consent decree supervision and at least six months have passed since the discharge — as long as there are no pending criminal charges.
  • The juvenile completed a period of commitment or probation or was otherwise discharged, and at least five years of good behavior followed the discharge — as long as there are no pending criminal charges.

In addition, if your child turns 18 and experiences setbacks because of the juvenile criminal conviction, his or her juvenile record may be expunged with the consent of the prosecutor. If the prosecutor consents, a judge then hears the case and considers your child’s age, history of drug or alcohol abuse, employment prospects, academic record, criminal history, continuing threat to public safety and related factors when deciding whether to expunge the record. If you have questions about getting a record expunged, a juvenile criminal defense attorney in Philadelphia can help.

For legal advice and counsel about the juvenile justice system, contact a lawyer at the Law Offices of David Jay Glassman. Our attorney is available to you 24 hours a day, seven days a week.