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Amid Tighter Travel Restrictions, Fake COVID-19 Tests Are Being Sold

  Travel restrictions around the world have created a market for selling fake negative COVID-19 test results. Fraudulent certifications have been discovered by law enforcement officials in Britain, France, Spain and the Netherlands. Europol issued an alert in early February, warning that several people had been arrested at various European airports for trying to sell… Read More »

Nursing Home Chain to Pay $15.5M to Settle False Claims Act Suit

The U.S. Attorney’s Office in Philadelphia recently announced a $15.5 million-dollar settlement with Guardian Elder Care Holdings, Inc., a nursing home chain with more than 50 facilities in Pennsylvania, Ohio and West Virginia. The settlement resolves claims that the company was improperly billing for medically unnecessary rehabilitation therapy to its residents to boost its revenue…. Read More »

What are the Consequences for Healthcare Fraud?

  Healthcare fraud, insurance fraud, Medicare or Medicaid fraud — these are all considered white-collar crimes and they all involve illegal gain through deception by consumers and healthcare providers. Due to the increase in the prevalence of these offenses, the federal government has begun to crack down on offenders, who face steep penalties if they… Read More »