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Professional Liability after an Arrest Related to a White Collar Crime

Professional Liability after an Arrest Related to a White Collar Crime


The stigma accompanying accusations of professional wrongdoing can be difficult to overcome without the right Philadelphia white collar crimes attorney by your side especially when your career and your professional reputation are on the line.

As an executive, a real estate investor, a bookkeeper, a financial planner, a certified public accountant (CPA) or a trusted professional who stands accused of a white collar crime, you need the advice and counsel of an experienced white collar crimes lawyer in Philadelphia to defend against the criminal charges you are likely to face in the upcoming criminal investigation, prosecution and trial.

If you are under investigation or charged with a business-related crime such as money laundering, racketeering, extortion, fraud, bribery, blackmail or embezzlement, you should always:

  • Ask for a lawyer. Even if police assure you that you are not under arrest, do not answer any questions without a lawyer present. Statements you make could implicate you in a crime.
  • Remain silent. Any unsolicited statements or comments you make while you wait for your lawyer to arrive can be used against you in a court of law.
  • Review the warrant. If you have been served with a search or arrest warrant, you need to supervise the search to ensure that the search does not exceed the warrant’s scope. Evidence may be inappropriately catalogued as admissible if the search continues unsupervised.
  • Do not give in to police interrogation tactics without an attorney present. If you voluntarily submit to searches, chemical testing, lineups or identification procedures before your attorney arrives, you may accidentally waive some of your rights through your apparent consent.
  • Know what to expect. Pennsylvania has published a Citizens Guide to Court Procedure [for the] Municipal Court, Criminal Division so that you have an understanding of what to expect as your case proceeds to trial. A lawyer can provide you with detailed advice about how to proceed.

For more information about the defense of white collar crimes, contact a lawyer at the Law Offices of David Jay Glassman for advice and guidance.