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Pennsylvania Man’s Sentence Shows Seriousness of Sex Trafficking-related Charges

Pennsylvania Man’s Sentence Shows Seriousness of Sex Trafficking-related Charges


Criminal charges associated with sex trafficking can have serious consequences and defendants in these matters should obtain counsel from a qualified lawyer. Someone who is convicted of providing or promoting sexual services for hire might face much more than a small fine and some embarrassment. But certain types of serious misconduct linked to prostitution, such as sex trafficking, might draw a prison sentence that runs for multiple years.

When someone is offering or planning to offer sex in exchange for payment, prosecutors can bring several types of felony charges depending on the circumstances, such as whether there is an element of force involved. Felony counts that might be levied include:

  • Involuntary servitude — Subjecting someone to employment or sexual servitude is a first-degree felony in Pennsylvania. Several different methods of coercion can be cited to support this serious charge, including physical restraints and threats of violence. In a recent case, Troy Brockington-Winchester of South Philadelphia was sentenced to more than three years in prison for trying to force a woman into prostitution. He was convicted of attempted involuntary servitude after the court heard evidence that he tied the hands of a woman, stole her money and then tried to act as her pimp.
  • Promoting prostitution — Running a house of prostitution or encouraging someone to sell sexual favors is defined under Pennsylvania law as promoting prostitution, which can be a third degree felony. These crimes carry a maximum sentence of seven years in prison. Promoting prostitution can also lead to misdemeanor punishment in situations involving other types of conduct, such as soliciting a person to patronize a prostitute.
  • Prostitution by someone with HIV — Someone working as a prostitute usually faces a misdemeanor charge, with sentences increasing for multiple offenders. However, exchanging sex for money when you know you are infected with HIV is a third-degree felony.

No matter what the specific allegation entails, a prostitution-related conviction can result in fines, incarceration and inclusion within the state’s Sex Offender Registry. Accordingly, it is critical to retain an attorney who has a deep understanding of Pennsylvania laws relating to sex offenses and who has a strong track record of achieving successful results for accused individuals in these matters.

The Law Offices of David Jay Glassman has been defending clients for more than 40 years in Pennsylvania courts. You can trust our attorney and legal team to work tirelessly to defend you and to protect you against overzealous authorities. To schedule a case evaluation, call our Philadelphia office at 215-563-7100 or contact us online.