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Drug Crimes in Pennsylvania: What to Expect When Prosecuted

Drug Crimes in Pennsylvania What to Expect When Prosecuted


You face serious consequences when police prosecute you for the unlawful possession, distribution, cultivation or manufacture of a controlled substance in Pennsylvania. Depending on the quality and quantity of drugs found in your possession, the Attorney General’s Bureau of Narcotics Investigation, Drug Strike Force or Drug Task Force may be called to investigate you as part of a larger criminal conspiracy. Your Philadelphia drug crimes defense attorney can help you take the steps necessary to mitigate the consequences of a mistake or prevent the possibility of conviction.

If you are being questioned by police or indicted as a suspect in a drug crime, you should understand how Pennsylvania’s substance abuse laws apply to your case. You could be prosecuted for the illegal possession or sale of marijuana, prescription drugs, cocaine, heroin, methadone, syringes, hypo sprays, other types of drug compounds or related paraphernalia under 35 P.S. §§ 780-101—780-144 of the Controlled Substance, Drug, Device and Cosmetic Act. Sentencing guidelines are set forth under 204 Pa. Code 303, and can range toward the upper or lower end of the scale, depending on factors that include whether:

  • The crime is classified a felony or misdemeanor
  • There were aggravating or mitigating circumstances
  • You have a history of criminal violations

When you are prosecuted for a drug crime, you have no greater advocate than a drug defense attorney in Philadelphia. There are some opportunities for your attorney to have you released into a drug diversion or treatment program, rather than sentenced to a possible prison term. Depending on the facts of your case and your history of drug abuse and conviction, your lawyer can discuss these opportunities with you in detail.

For more information about drug crimes, treatment and rehabilitation, contact an attorney at the Law Offices of David Jay Glassman in Philadelphia.