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Domestic Violence Accusations Rose Sharply During the Pandemic

Domestic Violence Accusations Rose Sharply During the Pandemic


Pandemic-related lockdowns and resulting isolation sparked an increase in reported domestic violence incidents in Philadelphia and across the country over the past year, according to national and local authorities. This increase has swelled the number of people needing a legal defense against such accusations.

The National Commission on Covid-19 and Criminal Justice said in February that domestic violence incidents increased 8.1 percent after stay-at-home restrictions went into effect in early 2020. The NCCCJ said there was strong evidence to support the conclusion that the pandemic’s combination of isolation and financial insecurity were leading to more domestic violence incidents. COVID-19’s economic impact worsened factors always associated with domestic violence, such as unemployment, financial instability and child-care stress, the NCCCJ said.

Locally, Women Against Abuse, a Philadelphia advocacy group, said that their incident-reporting hotline was receiving 30 percent more calls than normal at various points during the past year. “One thing we do know is that isolation is part of the dynamics of abuse, where a perpetrator will try to isolate the victim so that they don’t have the social network and support,” said Jeanine Lisitski, the group’s CEO. “In these times of being isolated during an economic downturn, we also know that abuse is exacerbated.”

While no one can deny the massive impact the pandemic has had on personal relationships, the truth is that false allegations of domestic violence are made every day. Some of the increase in incident reporting during the pandemic may be due to exhausted and frustrated people accusing their partners of domestic violence as a way to get away from them.

False allegations may also be made for reasons unrelated to the pandemic. These can include jealousy, mental health problems or efforts to get the upper hand in a divorce or custody case. If you have been accused of domestic violence, remember that you are entitled to defend yourself and that an experienced criminal defense lawyer may be essential.

The Law Offices of David Jay Glassman in Philadelphia is dedicated to protecting the rights of those accused of crimes, including domestic violence. Our founding attorney has more than 40 years of legal experience and will listen to your side of the story, then explain what your legal options may be. Reach out to us anytime, 24 hours a day, by calling 215-563-7100 or contact us online. We can meet you in our office or connect on a video conference if that is easiest for you.